Facility Update: January 31, 2022

Facility Update: January 31, 2022

In alignment with government regulations, the Fanshawe gymnasium (Glenn Johnston Athletic Centre) and Student Wellness Center will re-open for full time blended, residence and varsity students with restrictions on Monday, January 31, 2022. 


The Glenn Johnston Athletic Centre will generally be open from 9am-10pm from Monday through Friday and 12-5 Saturday and Sunday for recreational drop-in sports. Please check our weekly gym schedules for details: https://www.fanshawefalcons.ca/recreation/weeklygymschedules .


The SWC hours will be 11am-8pm Monday through Friday and 12pm-5pm Saturday and Sunday, workout times must be booked in advance using the Fanshawe Wellness App, students can go to www.studentwellncesscenter.ca to set up their account. Rock wall hours 12-6pm Monday through Friday and 12-4pm Saturday and Sunday (booked the same as workout sessions). 


Varsity practices and tryouts will also resume on January 31, please contact respective head coaches for more information.